関西空港•白浜方面の特急はるか•くろしおは北側の貨物線〜4番のりばへの渡り線完成で4番のりば通過が基本となりました Ltd. Exp. Haruka/Kuroshio for Kansai Airport(KIX)/Shirahama will now pass through Platform 4 due to the completion of the crossover from the northern freight line to Platform 4. 2•3番のりば通過のそれが残り、3電車同時入線となるのは運行の都合上仕方ないでしょう It is unavoidable for train operation reasons that the remaining 3 trains that pass through Platforms 2 and 3 will enter the line at the same time. 私は’11年春にその通過を見ましたが、4番のりばから環状線外回りへの出発信号も整備で非常時折り返しやすい環境が整ったはずです I saw it pass in the spring of 2011, and if a departure signal from Platform 4 to the outer loop line was also installed, it would be easier to turn around in an emergency.
Ltd. Exp. Haruka/Kuroshio for Kansai Airport(KIX)/Shirahama will now pass through Platform 4 due to the completion of the crossover from the northern freight line to Platform 4.
It is unavoidable for train operation reasons that the remaining 3 trains that pass through Platforms 2 and 3 will enter the line at the same time.
I saw it pass in the spring of 2011, and if a departure signal from Platform 4 to the outer loop line was also installed, it would be easier to turn around in an emergency.